Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights
During the first six years of implementation of the Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act, our school district has conscientiously implemented the requirements found in the Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights by following all investigation and reporting deadlines. The district has made great strides in addressing and improving harassment, intimidation and bullying and the school climate and culture by providing training for our entire staff, advanced training for our anti-bullying specialists in each school, implementing programs for our students and staff which are designed to address harassment, intimidation and bullying in the daily school environment and by providing specific classroom lessons in an on-going manner. While completing the Self Assessment, we learned that our school district has demonstrated strengths in the areas of providing HIB programs and other initiatives as well as procedures used for HIB investigations. In order to promote a positive school climate, our school district has “Spirit Week” programs, assemblies, tolerance programs and positive behavior support programs. Students at all grade levels are informed appropriately about the HIB policy and a general awareness of the policy is evident among students and staff. Programs, initiatives and approaches are implemented and assessed and the elements of the Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights are met in accordance with the Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act. The district is proud of our accomplishments with regards to the implementation of the Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights.
Open this link for the NJDOE Self-Assessment for Determining Grades under the Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights District & School Grade Report: 2021-2022 Self-AssessmentQuestions can be directed to Dr. Jennifer Antoni, District Anti-Bullying Coordinator jantoni@ewingboe.org; 609-538-9800 X2121.The Ewing Public Schools strives to maintain a positive and engaging learning environment for all students. To maintain this environment, the district has implemented procedures supporting the Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights.GENERAL INFORMATIONJanuary 5, 2011, Governor Christie signed into law the "Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights." The new law went into effect September 2011, amends the 2002 anti-bullying law, and provides several major changes including; new definition for "Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying," district staff functions, policy and procedures, training requirement, and reporting procedures.DEFINITION OF HARASSMENT, INTIMIDATION or BULLYING (HIB)Types of Behavior Includes:ANY gesture, orANY written, verbal or physical act, orANY electronic communicationCan be a single incident or series of incidentsMotivation for HIB Behavior:ANY actual OR PERCEIVED characteristicEXAMPLES: race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, gender, sexual orientation,gender identity or expression, mental/physical/sensory disability,or ANY OTHER DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICLOCATION OF INCIDENTOn school propertyAt school-sponsored functionOn a school busOff school grounds (including cyberspace)HIB MUST MEET ONE OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS in addition to causing substantial disruption or interference:Has effect of insulting or demeaning student or group of students, orCreates hostile educational environment for student by interfering with student's education, orSeverely or pervasively causing physical or emotional harm to studentDISTRICT CODE OF CONDUCT (Expectations for Pupil Conduct P5500)The district maintains policies and regulations to govern student behavioral expectations and developmentally appropriate consequences, which includes preventive and/or corrective action plans. Details code of conduct expectations and consequences for each elementary, middle and high school student.PARENT/COMMUNITY RESOURCE LINKS:School, parent and student: www.cyberbullying.usEducator, parent, and student: www.stopbullying.govSTATE WEBSITE:Keeping Our Students Safe, Healthy & In School/School Climate & Culture:New Jersey School Climate and Student Learning Environment:Contact Information for the School Climate State Coordinator: HIB@doe.nj.govDISTRICT ANTI-BULLYING COORDINATORDr. Jennifer Antoni900 Parkway Avenue, Ewing, NJ 08618609-538-9800 X 2122SCHOOL ANTI-BULLYING SPECIALISTS: 609-538-9800Ewing High School, 900 Parkway Avenue, Ewing, NJ 08618David Sheffel, X 2105 (Dean of Students) dsheffel@ewingboe.orgFisher Middle School, 1325 Lower Ferry Road, Ewing, NJ 08618Rebecca Romanko, X3105 (Dean of Students) rromanko@ewingboe.orgFrank O'Brien Academy, 1331 Lower Ferry Road, Ewing, NJ 08618Kevin Bonner, X 3718 (Dean of Students) kbonner@ewingboe.orgAntheil Elementary School, 339 Ewingville Road, Ewing, NJ 08638Leah Rodriguez, X 4100 (Dean of Students) lrodriguez@ewingboe.orgLore Elementary School, 13 Westwood Drive, Ewing, NJ 08628Christine Meekins, X 6106 (Dean of Students) cmeekins@ewingboe.orgParkway Elementary School, 446 Parkway Avenue, Ewing, NJ 08618Robert Odri, X 5105 (Dean of Students) rodri@ewingboe.orgANTI-BULLYING SCHOOL SAFETY/CLIMATE TEAMSANTI-BULLYING SCHOOL SAFETY/CLIMATE TEAMS 2023-2024
DISTRICT REGULATION AND POLICY LINKSPolicy P5512 Harassment, Intimidation, or Bullying (M):DIRECTIONS TO REPORT AN ANTI-BULLYING INCIDENT1. Please "click" on the link below to complete a report, HIB 338 Form, for a HIB incident:HIB 2024-2025 338 Form Harassment, Intimidation, or Bullying (HIB) Reporting / To Be Completed by Families / Caregivers2024-2025 HIB 338 Forms - Harassment, Intimidation, or Bullying (HIB) Reporting / To Be Completed by Families / Caregivers - Other Languages - "Click" on the links below.2 . Submit form to building principal3. Review the HIB Anti-Bullying Checklist (timeline)