• Parkway Elementary School Bulletin



    The Ewing Township Board of Education requires its students to attend school regularly in accordance with the laws of this state.  Your child’s academic success and continuity of our instructional programs necessitate regular school attendance.  Our policy is to notify you when unexcused absences reach four, eight, ten or more days.


    Children are EXCUSED from school for religious holidays, illness (doctor’s or parent/guardian notes must be sent to the main office within 10 days in order to excuse the absence or tardy, and notes must include reason of absence or tardy), death in the immediate family, and other reasons as deemed necessary in consultation between the parent/guardian and Principal.  Parents/guardians whose children obtain excessive UNEXCUSED absences and/or tardies will be subject to mediation and possible prosecution in Ewing Township Municipal Court.

    Afternoon pick up
    Students must be picked up before 3:15PM for early pickup.