• Lore School forges ahead with a core curriculum bolstered by the special subject areas of physical education, library, vocal music, art, and computer education. Other services such as speech, occupational therapy, instrumental music, gifted math, academic enrichment program, child study team support, and other related special educational programs are offered to broaden the child’s horizon and meet individual needs. Lore School’s core curriculum consists of language arts literacy, mathematics, social studies, and science instruction, which are based on the NJ Core Curriculum Contents Standards. The language arts literacy program is currently focusing on guided reading as a major component with an emphasis on the writing process. The mathematics program is also aligned with the content standards and helps to develop mathematical thinkers and problem solvers. A variety of activities provide students with an opportunity to apply the math and problem-solving strategies they have learned. Another exciting curricular offering is the inquiry-based science program involving the use of the scientific method. This hands-on program focuses upon using various science modules to develop problem-solving and decision-making skills.

    The social studies curriculum integrates texts and materials that emphasize history, geography, and citizenship in a diverse society. The social studies curriculum is designed to prepare students for their future roles as intelligent, active citizens in our democratic society. The art and musical education programs promote aesthetic awareness and creativity. The health and physical education program’s goal is to teach the importance of proper diet and physical fitness, as well as the hazards of alcohol, drugs, and tobacco. In computer classes, students are taught internet safety and awareness, keyboarding and word processing. In library students learn the “love” of books. Art, vocal and instrumental music stimulates an appreciation of musical and artistic talents.

    Strong social values continue to be a main focus at Lore School. Using the Responsive Classroom ideology, faculty and staff build a strong sense of community where the students feel “connected” within an environment where all thrive, both academically and socially. Learning from one another in a cooperative setting, and sharing excitement, knowledge, and cultural diversity is the focus of Lore School. The positive and varied educational experiences provided have proven to be most rewarding for the students, their parents, the staff, and the community. At Lore School, we are “proud of our pride” and are “all for one and one for all...you for me and me for you!”