

    Positive Behavior Support (PBS)


    In January 2009, FMS kicked off their PBS program.  This is a school-wide program that is a proven, systems-focused approach that produces numerous positive outcomes, including:

    Decreases in problem behaviors, office referrals, and suspensions,

    Increases on-task engagement and academic achievement,

    Increased capacity to support all students with varying needs, and

    Higher levels of satisfaction with the overall school climate among students, teachers, and parents.

    PBS is not a specific practice or curriculum; it’s a general approach to preventing problem behavior.  It is not limited to any particular group of students, as it is for everyone.  This is not new; it is based on a long history of behavioral practices and effective instructional designs and strategies.  Science of behavior has taught us that students do learn better ways of behaving by being taught directly and receiving positive feedback.             

    The FMS program is S.O.A.R. (Safety, Ownership, Achievement, Respect).  A team of teachers and administrators created a school-wide matrix for expected behaviors and then designed the reward system.  The students were taught what S.O.A.R. looks like in all areas of the building.  Our goal with the program is to promote and support a safer, healthier, and more caring school environment.  We are also looking for teaching outcomes and learning to be enhanced. 

    We are encouraging and acknowledging students’ appropriate behaviors daily.  They receive S.O.A.R. slips when they are observed following one of our expectations.  These slips can then be submitted for “rewards” weekly.  The rewards range from pencils to “fast passes” which earn students a trip to the front of the lunch line.  Our big prize items (Ipods, cameras, etc.) are able to be “won” by placing S.O.A.R slips in the raffle box. 

    FMS is proud to be sponsoring the S.O.A.R. program, as it supports students and teachers.  The acts of respectful and responsible behaviors are encouraged, not just by adults, but also by the students themselves.  Our school functions are more efficient and effective.  The results have been positive; thus, this will be an on-going program.