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Technology Acceptable Use Policies for Students

The Ewing Public Schools

Technology Acceptable Use Policies for Students


At Ewing Public Schools, we use technology to engage, educate, and empower. We aim to transform learning and expand educational opportunities and experiences for all students. This should not only translate to academic success but to the development of global citizens that are able to communicate, collaborate, create, and think critically.


Students need to be able to efficiently find, synthesize and communicate information, create and share original content with authentic audiences, and collaborate both locally and globally. Technology facilitates this process and is a principal tool to accomplish these ends. The district aims to ensure students develop the skills and knowledge necessary to responsibly participate in the modern world.  Therefore, the school district provides technology to create a dynamic educational experience for students that enhance learning across disciplines. 


These Technology Acceptable Use Policies for Students help the district provide students with devices, accounts, and Internet access safely, effectively, efficiently, and appropriately. Students and their parents/ guardians should read and regularly review these policies as well as all district policies, students handbooks, and more.

Limitation of Liability

The Internet constitutes an unregulated collection of resources that changes constantly, so it is not possible to totally predict or control the resources that users may locate. The board cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information or the appropriateness of materials that a user may encounter. Furthermore, the board shall not be responsible for any damage users may suffer, including but not limited to, loss of data or interruptions of service. Nor shall the board be responsible for financial obligations arising through the unauthorized use of the system.

Returning Devices

Students who graduate, withdraw, are suspended or expelled, or terminate enrollment at school for any other reason must return their school furnished electronic device on the date of termination. Failure to return the school furnished electronic device will result in a theft report being filed with the police department. Any student issued a school furnished electronic device will be responsible for any damage to it.


When student devices are requested (by the school or district) to be returned, student devices must be returned in satisfactory condition.


Users shall respect the privacy of messages that they receive and refrain from reposting messages without the approval of the sender. Users shall not publish private information about another individual.


Everything done on any district-owned device, network, or electronic communication may be monitored by school authorities. Inappropriate use of district technology can result in limited or banned computer use, disciplinary consequences, and/ or legal action.

Student Safety Practices

Students shall not post personal contact information about themselves or others. Nor shall students engage in any kind of personal contact with individuals they meet online. Attempts at contact from such individuals shall be reported immediately to the staff person monitoring that child’s access to the Internet. Personal contact information includes but is not limited to names, home/school/work addresses, telephone numbers, or personal photographs.

New Jersey’s Anti-Big Brother Act Notice

The electronic devices provided by Ewing Public Schools may record or collect information on the

account activity or the use of the device if the device is equipped with a camera, global positioning system, or other feature capable of recording or collecting information on the student’s activity or use of the device. The district will not use any of these electronic capabilities in a manner that would violate the privacy rights of the student or any individual residing with the student.

Chromebook Care

Students will be held responsible for maintaining their individual devices and keeping them in good working order. Students must bring their fully charged device to school each day and must properly manage and handle their device (for example: not putting weight on the Chromebook, not holding it by the screen, etc.).


Students will be responsible for damages to their devices. No labels or stickers may be applied to the device. School issued devices that malfunction or are damaged must be reported to the school. The school district will be responsible for repairing (or replacing, if deemed necessary) devices that malfunction. Devices that have been intentionally damaged from student misuse or neglect will be repaired with the student being responsible for full replacement cost (insurance is available). School issued devices that are stolen or lost must be reported immediately to the school and local police department.


General, physical Chromebook care measures and precautions include (not limited to):

  • Only use a clean, soft cloth to clean the screen, no cleansers of any type.
  • Cords and cables must be inserted carefully into the device to prevent damage.
  • The school furnished electronic device must remain free of any writing, drawing, stickers, or labels that are not the property of Ewing Public Schools District.
  • School furnished electronic devices must never be left in an unlocked locker, unlocked car or any unsupervised area.
  • Do not place anything near the electronic device that could put pressure on the screen.
  • Do not place anything in a bag or case with the device that will press against the cover.
  • Do not “bump” the electronic devices against lockers, walls, car doors, floors, etc. as it will eventually break the screen.

Prohibited Activities (including, but not limited to)

  1. Users shall not attempt to gain unauthorized access (hacking) to the district system or to any other

computer system through the district system, nor shall they go beyond their authorized access. This

includes attempting to log in through another individual’s account or accessing another’s files.

  1. Users shall not deliberately attempt to disrupt the district’s computer system performance or destroy data

by spreading computer viruses, worms, “Trojan Horses,” trap door program codes or any similar product

that can damage computer systems, firewalls, servers or network systems.

  1. Users shall not use the district system to engage in illegal activities.
  2. Users shall not access material that is profane or obscene, that advocates illegal acts, or that advocates

violence or hate. Inadvertent access to such material should be reported immediately to the supervising

staff person.

  1. Users shall not plagiarize material that is available on the Internet. Plagiarism is presenting another’s

ideas/words as one’s own.

  1. Users shall not infringe on copyrighted material and shall follow all dictates of copyright law and the

applicable policies of this district.

  1. Users shall not engage in any action that violates existing board policy or public law
  2. Users shall not send spam – sending mass or inappropriate emails;
  3. Users shall not access the school’s Internet/email accounts for financial or commercial gain or for any

illegal activity;

  1. Users shall not send of anonymous and/ or false communications
  2. Users shall not give out personal information, for any reason, over the Internet. 
  3. Users shall not bypass the school web filter through a web proxy.

Prohibited Language

Prohibited language applies to public messages, private messages, and material posted on web pages:

  1. Users shall not send or receive messages that contain obscene, profane, lewd, vulgar, rude,

inflammatory, or threatening language.

  1. Users shall not use the system to spread messages that can reasonably be interpreted as harassing, discriminatory or defamatory.

Home Internet Access

Students are allowed to set up wireless networks on school furnished electronic devices. This will assist them with use of the device while at home.

File Storage

It is recommended that students save files in the cloud using their provided Ewing BOE Google Workspace account. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that work is not lost due to mechanical failure or accidental deletion. School furnished electronic device malfunctions are not an acceptable excuse for not submitting work.

Network Connectivity

The school district makes no guarantee that their network will be up and running 100% of the time. In the event that the network is down, the district will not be responsible for lost or missing data.

Academic Freedom and Selection of Material

When using the Internet for class activities, teachers will select materials that are appropriate in light of the age of the students and that are relevant to the course objectives. Teachers will preview any materials and sites they specifically require or recommend students access to determine the appropriateness of the material contained on the site. Teachers will provide guidelines to assist their students in channeling their research activities effectively and properly.

Legal Propriety

Comply with trademark and copyright laws and all license agreements. Ignorance of the law is not immunity. If you are unsure, ask a teacher or parent/ guardian. Give credit to all sources used, whether quoted or summarized. This includes all forms of media on the Internet, such as graphics, movies, music, and text. Use or possession or hacking software is strictly prohibited and violators will be subject to disciplinary action. Violation of applicable state or federal law will result in criminal prosecution and/ or disciplinary action by the district.