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Mentoring Plan and Interactive Form

                        Mentoring Plan 

As a means of induction into the education profession and a member of the Ewing staff, a variety of mentoring structures are available to new staff. All new staff participate in a four-day New Teacher Induction Program prior to the opening of school. The Induction Program is a comprehensive introduction including, but not limited to, district policies and procedures, teacher evaluation instrument, curriculum materials, and expectations effective teaching practices. The district offers a variety of on-going learning opportunities for new staff including:

·         Professional development sessions provided after school at the building and district level through My Learning Plan

·         Literacy and Math Coaches at the elementary and middle school level

·         On-going meetings/interaction with the Mentors, Principal, Assistant Principal, Content Supervisors, Literacy and Math Coach and Assistant Superintendent

·         Classroom visitations - the mentor and mentee will work with the building principal to schedule the visitations

Mentoring Logs must be submitted the 30th of each month for monitoring and review. A Mentoring Log is available through the link below. It must be completed as an interactive form and forwarded to the Curriculum and Instruction Office at the email address

A complete copy of the Mentoring Plan can be found here:  Mentoring Plan for The Ewing Public Schools.

The interactive mentor form can be found here:  Mentoring Form for Monthly Reporting