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Food Services

  Food Services 


School Menus

District Breakfast

Elementary School Menu

High School and Fisher School Lunch Menu


For more information please contact: 
Valerie Chernish (Food Service Director)
 Beverly Papp (Assistant Food Service Director)
Ext. 7106
 The Food Service Office is located at:
220 Ewingville Road
Ewing, New Jersey  08638 
Office Hours: Currently By Appointment Only 


(See Meals tab for link)
You may complete your application totally on-line and receive your determination immediately.
Deposit money on your child's account online at  You will need to have your student(s) ID number(s) and a credit card &/or checking account number to register.
IF YOU ARE USING AUTO-REPLENISH:  At the beginning of each school year it must be restarted.  This may require an initial manual deposit.  Your student's account balances must be above the auto-replenish amount to begin.  Please call or email Food Service if you have any questions.

Payschools can be used to put money on account AND fill out a free/reduced meal application on the same website using the same log in information. This website is​ 


8550 – Meal Charges/Outstanding Food Service Bill (M)  (Revised)


N.J.S.A. 18A:33-21 et seq. was recently amended requiring several major revisions to Policy Guide 8550.  Below please find an explanation of the major revisions:


1.            The amended statute prohibits a school district from taking certain actions in response to a student’s school meal bill being in arrears.  These prohibited actions include, but are not limited to:  the student not being publicly identified; requiring the student to sit at a separate table, wear a wristband, or do chores or other work to pay for the school meal; requiring a student to discard a meal after it has been served because of the student’s inability to pay for the meal if the student’s meal bill is in arrears; and serving the student an alternate meal; 


2.            The amended statute requires a school district to take certain actions if a student owes money for the equivalent of five or more school meals.  These required actions include but are not limited to:  a determination by the school district to assess if the student is eligible for a free or reduced school meal; school district assistance to the parent in completing the school lunch application; and a school district determination if there are household issues causing the situation; and


3.            The amended statute removed language that indicated the school district would provide a final notice to a parent who has not paid their child’s outstanding meal bill, after being provided multiple previous notices, that “school breakfast or lunch shall not be served to the student beginning one week from the date of a second notice.”  The amended statute replaced the “school breakfast or lunch shall not be served to the student beginning one week from the date of a second notice” with the final notice to inform the parent “of any action to be taken by the school district in response to a student’s breakfast or lunch bill being in arrears.”  In summary, a school district may, but is no longer required to, withhold a child’s breakfast or lunch if their school lunch bill is in arrears.


The United States Department of Agriculture requires Boards of Education to develop and implement a meal charge program pursuant to NJDOE guidance.  Boards have discretion in developing a meal charge program which includes, but is not limited to:


a.            Permitting students to charge all or a limited number of available reimbursable meals; or


b.            Not permitting students to charge any meal.


This updated Policy Guide 8550 includes an option for a district to permit or prohibit students from charging meals.  A district that permits charging of meals must address in its program how it will collect routine payment of meal(s) consistent with the provisions of N.J.S.A. 18A:33-21.  Policy Guide 8550 is now aligned with the provisions outlined in N.J.S.A. 18A:33-21, which addresses the statutory requirements for the collection of an outstanding meal bill.



Revised Policy Guide 8550 incorporates the new requirements in the revised statute (1. and 2. above) and no longer requires a school district to withhold a breakfast or lunch after the parent receives multiple notes that the student has an arrearage in their school lunch bill (3. above).  However, the revised Policy Guide indicates a school district may deny the student a meal.  School districts will not typically deny a student a meal if their lunch bill is in arrears, but the revised Policy Guide provides the school district the option should the district determine circumstances require denying a meal to a student.  This provision will not impact students eligible for free and reduced meals.  The revised statute expressly prohibits serving an alternative meal to a student whose lunch bill is in arrears, which was not expressly prohibited in the past. 


This updated Policy Guide 8550 shall replace a district’s current Policy Guide 8550 as it is mandated for school districts that participate in the National School Lunch Program and the School Breakfast Program.   Policy Guide 8550 is mandated.


Policy Guide 8550 is MANDATED

For more details, refer to the new policy that is on the district website, under Board of Education, Board Policies and Regulations. Search for Policy #8550 Unpaid Meal Charges/Outstanding Food Service Charges.

Link to the Ewing Public Schools Board of Education Policies and Regulations

Please note:

1) Negative balance emails and/or letters are sent home frequently.  Be sure to monitor the meal account carefully.

2) Funds may be added to a student's account through, cash/check at the cafeteria, transferred between siblings (call Food Service at 609-538-9800 x7106) or students may pay cash.

3) Snacks cannot be charged at any school.  When a student has a negative balance, snacks may not be purchased even when the student has cash.


Looking for a part-time position?

Food Service is seeking part-time cafeteria workers and substitutes to work in various schools throughout the district.  
Permanent positions range from 3 to 5.5 a day and follow the school calendar, (perfect for school district parents!). Substitute positions are on-call and generally 3.5 hours per day when called.
If you are interested, please visit the Human Resources section on the Home page of this website .  All applications are submitted on-line. 
You may wish to follow up by calling the Food Service Department at 609-538-9800 x7106 after completion of an application.

The U.S Department of Agriculture prohibits discrimination against its customers, employees, and applicants for employment on the bases of race, color, national origin, age, disability, sex, gender identity, religion, reprisal, and where applicable, political beliefs, marital status, familial or parental status, sexual orientation, or all or part of an individual’s income is derived from any public assistance program, or protected genetic information in employment or in any program or activity conducted or funded by the Department. (Not all prohibited bases will apply to all programs and/or employment activities.) 

USDA is an equal-opportunity provider.