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Summer Math Packet

Dear Parents/Guardians:

The Ewing Board of Education has endorsed the use of a Summer Mathematics Packet in order to keep your child’s math skills honed and current through the summer break.

This summer the Summer Mathematics Packets are NOT mandatory and will not be collected and graded, however, we recommend they still be used. To help keep your child’s math skills sharp, it is recommended that approximately one independent practice page or math activity be completed each week during the summer break. It is also recommended that the packet is worked on throughout the summer. Working through the packet at a steady pace throughout the summer will help keep you child’s math skills at their peak.

We count on your efforts to positively communicate the high standards called for in our State and Township. Thank you in advance for your example, encouragement, and support of your children’s efforts in mathematics, as we continue to work together helping your children attain mathematical excellence.