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Mr. Donald Wahlers

Thinking Math

Mr. Donald Wahlers
Ewing Public Schools
District Supervisor
Curriculum & Instruction
Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics
S.T.E.M. K-12
609-538-9800 x5155

Mr. Donald Wahlers joined The Ewing Public Schools as a high school teacher of Science in September 1994.  He taught Biology, Chemistry and Physics to 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th grade students at Ewing High School until September 2004, at which time he began working with elementary, middle, and high school teachers as the District Supervisor of Curriculum and Instruction for Science.  In September of 2006 he expanded his work in Curriculum and Instruction with kindergarten through twelfth grade teachers of mathematics. In 2014 Mr. Wahlers has transitioned to Supervisor of Science, Technology, Engineering, & Math for grades K through 6th. Mr. Wahlers earned his Bachelors Degrees in Biology (with a specialization in Molecular and Cellular Biology) and Biology Education from Penn State University. Further undergraduate and graduate work at Temple University resulted in additional teaching certifications in the physical sciences. A Masters Degree in Educational Administration was earned through Rider University. 

As the STEM Supervisor, Mr. Wahlers works with the kindergarten through sixth grade teachers of mathematics, science, and technology to meet the needs of Ewing Public Schools' students. New Jersey has adopted the Next Generation Science Standards. This heralds an exciting era for our New Jersey youth. Over the course of this year, our District Science Task Force will be preparing for the implementation of these new exciting student performance based standards. The Next Generation Science Standards call for an educational environment where our youth will become critical thinkers and problem solvers, employing both investigation based science practices and application based engineering practices to bring the world of science, technology and mathematics to life. If you are interested in being involved contact me!  

In the area of technology, we will be expanding our use of Google drive collaboration in education down to grades 3 to 5, with many exciting opportunities for our upper elementary students arising this year to begin working collaboratively on projects using google docs, sheets, and presentation. 

Ewing Public School's Math Vision 

Ewing Public Schools will facilitate a mathematical learning experience in which students actively engage in the discovery of math concepts and apply these concepts in meaningful and relevant ways.

Ewing students will be flexible mathematical thinkers who can reason, communicate and problem solve effectively. They will continue developing mathematical understanding throughout their lives. 

Ewing Public School's Science Vision  

Ewing Public Schools will deliver an instructional program in science where students are actively engaged in the discovery of science concepts and are applying these concepts in ways that they find meaningful and relevant.


Ewing students will be scientifically literate thinkers who can reason, communicate and solve problems in today’s increasingly technological world.


Ultimately, Ewing students will assume their roles as concerned citizens capable of making informed and well reasoned scientific decisions in their global society. 

New Jersey Student Learning Standards for Mathematics 

The New Jersey Department of Education has adopted the New Jersey Student Learning Standards for Mathematics. These standards comprise a paradigm shift based upon the latest best practices research in mathematics education.  Ewing Public Schools has been and continues to work hard to revise its mathematical program to align with what current research describes as the best practices for all students to become successful in mathematics. You can access the new mathematics standards, by connecting to:   

Next Generation Science Standards 

Next Generation Science Standards for Today's Students and Tomorrow's Workforce:  Through a collaborative, state-led process managed by Achieve, new K-12 science standards have been developed that are rich in content and practice, arranged in a coherent manner across disciplines and grades to provide all students an internationally benchmarked science education.  The NGSS is based on the Framework for K-12 Science Education developed by the National Research Council .  To access these standards go to:                  

Mr. Wahler's  Current Favorite Websites: 

Elementary Math: - from here kids can play grade aligned games online (some of which they are familiar with from the classroom), link to other fun and exciting resources and sites for online math adventure, or link to a site where you can find all kinds of math games and activities that can be done offline; explore and enjoy! 

Math: - Ignore the buttons about buying or free trials. just click on the box in the picture which aligns with your interest and grade level, explore and enjoy! 

Science: - A great jumping off site into fun and interesting science sites! Explore and enjoy!

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