English/Language Arts
African American Experiences in Literature G10-12 [BOE Approval: 2/25/2019]
Advanced Placement [AP] English IV G12 [BOE Approval: 3/18/2019]
Real World Writing G9 [BOE Approval: 3/18/2019]
Creative Writing G9-12 [BOE Approval: 1/28/2019]
English I G9 [BOE Approval: 9/23/2024]
English II G10 [BOE Approval: 9/23/2024]
English III [AP] Language and Composition G11 [BOE Approval: 3/18/2019]
English III G11 [BOE Approval: 9/23/2024]
English IV G12 [BOE Approval: 9/23/2024]
ESL English I-IV G9-12 [BOE Approval: 5/21/2018]
Foundations of English II-IV G10-12 [BOE Approval: 3/18/2019]
Journalism G9-12 [BOE Approval: 1/28/2019]
Mythology G9-12 [BOE Approval: 2/25/2019]
Public Speaking G9-12 [BOE Approval: 1/28/2019]
Tomorrow's Teachers G11-12 [BOE Approval: 2/25/2019]