The New Jersey Student Learning Standards include Preschool Teaching and Learning Standards as well as K-12 standards for: Visual and Performing Arts; Comprehensive Health and Physical Education; Science; Social Studies; World Languages; Technology; and 21st-Century Life and Careers. Standards for Mathematics and Language Arts Literacy are part of the Common Core State Standards initiative coordinated by the Council of Chief States School Officers (CCSSO) and the National Governor’s Association (NGA) in partnership with other national organizations. New Jersey is one of 44 states, Washington, DC and the U.S. Virgin Islands to join the state-led Common Core State Standards initiative.
For more information on
The following is the latest document which provides guidance to completing the Professional Development Plan: Professional Learning for Teachers: A Guidance Package for Developing the Annual PDP. This guidance package is designed to assist teachers and their supervisors in crafting an individual professional development plan (PDP) that provides for sustained professional learning that supports teacher practice and student achievement.
The District Curriculum and Achievement Gap Planning Committee Action Plan and Report, which was presented to the Ewing Board of Education for their review and approval at the June 21, 2010 meeting, is available for review.
The District Supervisor for Language Arts Literacy, Mrs. Kelly Kawalek, presented the following PowerPoint overview on the district's English/Language Arts Program at the July 26, 2010 Board of Education meeting: English/Language Arts PowerPoint.
Dr. Ishibashi's Power Point presentation to the Ewing Township Board of Education on January 24, 2022:
2021 Ewing Township School District ESSA Report for January 24, 2022 BOE Meeting