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District Philosophy and Belief Statements

Philosophy and Belief Statements:

The Ewing Public Schools are dedicated to meeting the educational needs of its students. We will identify and address the needs of students and provide them the opportunity to reach their maximum potential.

Therefore, we believe the following:

1. All students will be appropriately challenged to achieve a strong academic foundation.

2. All students will be educated in an environment that encourages them to be curious, creative life-long lovers of learning.

3. All students will be provided with opportunities to achieve academic success, exhibit self-reliance, and develop responsibility, which will enable them to make positive contributions to society.

4. All students will benefit from a partnership of the school, home, community and students in the learning process.

5. All students, their families and teachers must assume an appropriate level of responsibility for themselves and their actions.

6. All students will have the right to a safe and secure educational environment.