Meeting Dates, Agendas and Minutes
Regular public meetings of the Ewing Township Board of Education are held in the Ewing High School Auditorium unless otherwise noted. Public Session will generally open at 6:00 pm. The Board of Education may immediately meet in closed session. The public segment of the meeting will then resume at 7:00 pm. Meeting locations are subject to change.
Each meeting includes opportunities for those in attendance to comment regarding matters on the public agenda, as well as other matters of interest to them. The Board reserves the right to limit the time allotted to public participation, and State Law limits discussion of certain individual personnel and student matters.
During the public comment portions of the meeting, visitors are requested to use the following procedures:
1. Be recognized by the President of the Board
2. State your full name and place of residence
3. Identify the topic you wish to comment on and limit your remarks to that specific item
The Board and School district operate under applicable New Jersey laws and under regulations of the New Jersey Board of Education.
The Board desires sincerely that our meetings will provide useful opportunities for communication between the Board and the community.
Please use the navigation bar on the left for more specific information about meeting dates, agendas and minutes.