- Ewing High School
- Dual Enrollment Information
- Requesting College Transcripts
Counseling Department
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Requesting College Transcripts
- At the completion of a college course, all students are responsible for submitting an official transcript from the college/university, in which the course was taken, to Ewing High School. Official transcripts must be received prior to the end of semester in order for credit to be received at Ewing High School. At some colleges/universities, there is a fee for processing an official transcript. This cost is at student expense.
- Students need to wait until their final grades have been posted to request their official transcript. To verify if grades have been posted, students need to check their respective college portal accounts. Per college policies, refunds will NOT be granted if a student orders their transcript prematurely; transcripts are produced in real-time, and it is the sender’s responsibility to know when the transcript will include up-to-date information.