• Wordle

    Lore Counseling Department Mission Statement


             The mission of the Lore Elementary’s School Counseling Department is to provide a proactive, comprehensive, developmental counseling program addressing academic, career, and personal/social development of all students.  School counselors are professional school advocates who provide support to maximize student potential and academic achievement.  School counselors work in partnership with other educators, families, and the community to assist in preparing all students with the knowledge and skills needed to be productive, contributing members of society.


    Couns Ed Ad

    An Elementary School Counselor is…

    • An advocate for students’ academic and social emotional learning.
    • A support and resource for students, parents, teachers, administrators, and community members.
    • Obligated to maintain confidentiality.
    • A teacher of social emotional learning. This occurs through school-wide events, classroom lessons, small groups and individual sessions.
    • An ally.

    An Elementary School Counselor is NOT…

    • A therapist.
    • School Counseling is short term and goal oriented related to academic, social and/or emotional difficulties occurring at school.
    • A mind reader.
    • They cannot be effective in helping children if important information is withheld from them.
    • A judge.


    Things happen in life and they are there to help get you through them!